Welcome to Abilene Kennel Club, Inc.
Abilene Kennel Club (Abilene, TX)
is a local organization for people who love dogs.
Member of akc.org
Abilene Kennel Club (Abilene, TX)
is a local organization for people who love dogs.
Member of akc.org
Update: Abilene City Council is working to revise the proposal. It has been tabled for now and will be taken up again at the meeting March 13, 2025.
$90 per night. $25 pet fee per stay.
La Quinta Inn & Suites, 3018 Catclaw Dr., Abilene TX 79606.
Must call direct to the hotel to get this discounted rate.
4 AKC Events, 2605 South 7th St., Abilene TX
Fully fenced course. See full details in the premium list below.
3 days, 3 shows, 3 trials - Obedience & Rally
NOHS - National Owner Handler Series
Beginner Puppy, Peewee Handler, Junior Handler
Abilene Kennel Club participates with Taylor County and Nolan County 4-H in education on caring for, training, and showing dogs!
Dec. 9, 2023, at Frontier Texas. Families donated bags of dog or cat food to get their pet's photo taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus! Sponsored by ReMax of Abilene and Jackson Bros Feed & Seed, 100% of the donations from this event went to Meals on Wheels of Abilene to help those who need assistance for themselves and their furry family members. Thank you all! Go to our Facebook page to see the beautiful portrait photos! See the candid shots here.
Taylor County Expo Center staff is always so good to us! They meet the needs of the dogs and their humans quickly and efficiently. We donated multiple "poop" stations to set up on their newly renovated grounds.
Frontier Texas hosted our Christmas photo event. We donated this dog waste station to say "Thank You!"
Abilene Kennel Club, Inc. is honored for multiple years as a HOT (Hero of Tourism) Host by the Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Sponsored by Abilene Kennel Club along with ReMax of Abilene and Jackson Bros Feed and Seed, and hosted by Frontier Texas.
All proceeds from this event went to Meals on Wheels for their clients who need help feeding their pets. See more candid shots here.
Check out this great video of our members with their dogs!
* Our annual Dog Show with Obedience and Rally Trials, is a fun, safe activity for families. It benefits our local economy by bringing in hundreds of exhibitors for the weekend.
* AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day.
* Information on training classes for show, performance, and Canine Good Citizen titles.
* Library lessons and demon
* Our annual Dog Show with Obedience and Rally Trials, is a fun, safe activity for families. It benefits our local economy by bringing in hundreds of exhibitors for the weekend.
* AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day.
* Information on training classes for show, performance, and Canine Good Citizen titles.
* Library lessons and demonstrations for students.
* Monthly membership meetings.
Check us out on Facebook!
Abilene Kennel Club, Inc., was founded in 1958. We are a 501(c) non-profit organization.
We work to build greater public awareness about dog training, responsible breeding of purebred dogs to preserve each breed's heritage and original purpose, responsible dog ownership, and all the various activities available for you and your dog.
We a
Abilene Kennel Club, Inc., was founded in 1958. We are a 501(c) non-profit organization.
We work to build greater public awareness about dog training, responsible breeding of purebred dogs to preserve each breed's heritage and original purpose, responsible dog ownership, and all the various activities available for you and your dog.
We are a member club of American Kennel Club. At akc.org you will find extensive information on purebred dogs and the written standards for each of the recognized breeds.
Mixed breeds are also welcomed to join AKC and to compete in activities and performance events.
Our members are people who love dogs! We participate in conformation - the official name for dog shows - as well as performance events, including Agility, Obedience, Rally, Herding and other events you will find listed at akc.org
Some members and their dogs are certified in Pet Therapy, which allows them to visit hospitals, schools, and o
Our members are people who love dogs! We participate in conformation - the official name for dog shows - as well as performance events, including Agility, Obedience, Rally, Herding and other events you will find listed at akc.org
Some members and their dogs are certified in Pet Therapy, which allows them to visit hospitals, schools, and other venues where canines can provide emotional support.
A number of our members are occasional breeders, striving to breed the best to the best. Responsible breeders follow stringent guidelines for producing the healthiest puppies in accordance with each breed's written standard.
Abilene Kennel Club's 100th dog show was featured in July/August 2019 issue of Abilene Scene!
Some exhibitors and dogs having fun at the dog show!
See who's who on page 73
Your donations are welcomed to help us reach out to our community. If you are a person who loves dogs please consider joining us!
If you are interested in joining Abilene Kennel Club, please contact us for information on the application process.
We look forward to meeting you!